The Coosa has been designed by professional kayak fisherman Drew Gregory, who worked with the Jackson Kayak architects to answer to the continually evolving needs of the kayak fisherman. Aside from excelling in lakes, ponds, inshore and most offshore settings, the Coosa is the first kayak to ever cater to the river angler… making it the first ever ALL water fishing craft!

What colors do you have in stock and how long of a wait for a custom color order? Thanx
Hi - We have Sunshine, Camo, Sand and Olive in stock right now. I could check on a custom color as well. I know that boats are at least a month out right now - and that's not for custom colors. Let me know if you want me to call Jackson on that. The best way to contact me would be to email me if possible. The blog does not show your email address or contact info.
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