Camera Staffs
We have a full line of hiking poles and trekking staffs, but we wanted to present a couple of unique poles for those of you who like to snap some photos. Both of these models will get you down the trail and then convert to a stable monopod for your camera or spotting scope.
Sherlock Staff
In addition to a comfortable contoured foam grip, the Sherlock staff has a foam sheath that encases the upper half of the staff. Its length adjusts with a sure locking button depressed through the outer foam sheath. It has an adjustable Wedge Lock wrist loop, a removable walnut knob with a universal camera mount, and a spike tip beneath a removable rubber foot.
Sierra SAS
Sierra (SAS) Soft Antishock System This single staff is a dream pole for birders, photographers, hunters. Underneath the solid wood knob is a universal screw mount to accommodate scopes, cameras and a “Y” Attachment for a gun. The comfortable Foam Gripping surface is also helpful for anglers looking for the perfect trout…we can’t help you get the fish but we can help you navigate the rocky stream. The 360° turn back security of the Super Lock System (SLS) was proven to be the strongest by TUV, an independent testing lab. The Soft Antishock System (SAS), Carbide Flextip and the Rubber Tip for pavement use makes this one all around pole. Real Customer Quote: “The Sierra is my hiking buddy. I never leave home without it or my camera. The monopod is a great idea. Keep up the good work!”
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